API Reference
IgeAnimationComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeAnimationComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
The animation component class. Handles defining and controlling frame-based animations based on cells from a texture.
- define (String id, Array frames, Number fps, Number loop, Boolean convertIdsToIndex)
- defined (String id)
- init (Object entity, Object options)
- playing ()
- remove (String id)
- select (String animId, Object options)
- setAllFps (Number fps)
- setFps (String id, Number fps)
- start (String animId, Object options)
- stop ()
IgeAudioComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeAudioComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
Manages audio mixing and output.
IgeBaseScene CLASS
Declared in IgeBaseScene.js, Extends IgeSceneGraph
When loaded into memory using ige.addGraph('IgeBaseScene') will create the scene "baseScene" and the viewport "vp1" that are used in almost all examples and can be used as the base for your scenegraph as well.
IgeBox2dComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeBox2dComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
The engine's box2d component class.
IgeBox2dMultiWorldComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeBox2dMultiWorldComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
The engine's box2d multi-world component class.
IgeCamera CLASS
Declared in IgeCamera.js, Extends IgeEntity
Creates a new camera that will be attached to a viewport.
IgeCellSheet CLASS
Declared in IgeCellSheet.js, Extends IgeTexture
Creates a new cell sheet. Cell sheets are textures that are automatically split up into individual cells based on a cell width and height.
IgeClass CLASS
Declared in IgeClass.js
The base class system.
IgeEditorComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeEditorComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
When added to a viewport, automatically adds entity rotate capabilities to the selected entity in the scenegraph viewer.
IgeEditorRotateComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeEditorRotateComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
When added to a viewport, automatically adds entity rotate capabilities to the selected entity in the scenegraph viewer.
IgeEditorTranslateComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeEditorTranslateComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
When added to a viewport, automatically adds entity translate capabilities to the selected entity in the scenegraph viewer.
IgeEngine CLASS
Declared in IgeEngine.js, Extends IgeEntity
The base engine class definition.
- $ (String || Object item)
- $$ (String categoryName)
- $$$ (String groupName)
- addGraph (String className, Object options)
- autoSize ( val)
- canvas ( elem, autoSize)
- canvasReady ()
- categoryRegister (Object obj)
- categoryUnRegister (Object obj)
- classDefined (String id)
- clearCanvas ()
- createFrontBuffer (Boolean autoSize, Boolean dontScale)
- currentTime ()
- debugEnabled (Boolean val)
- debugTiming (Boolean val)
- defineClass (String id, Object obj)
- dependencyCheck ()
- dependencyTimeout ( val)
- enableRenders (Boolean val)
- enableUpdates (Boolean val)
- engineStep ()
- findBaseClass ( obj)
- getClass (String id)
- getClassDerivedList ( obj, arr)
- getSceneGraphData ()
- globalSmoothing ( val)
- groupRegister (Object obj, String groupName)
- groupUnRegister (Object obj, String groupName)
- hideAllExcept (String id)
- hideWebView ()
- incrementTime (Number val, Number lastVal)
- layerCall ( js)
- manualRender ()
- manualTick ()
- mouseOverList ()
- mousePos ()
- newClassInstance ( id, options)
- newId ()
- newIdFromString (String str)
- newIdHex ()
- openUrl ( url)
- pause ( val)
- register (Object obj)
- removeCanvas ()
- removeGraph (String className, Object options)
- renderContext (String contextId)
- requireScript (String url, Function callback)
- requireStylesheet (String url)
- sceneGraph ()
- setFps (Number fpsRate)
- showAll ()
- showWebView (String url)
- start ( callback)
- stop ()
- textureFromUrl (String url)
- textureLoadEnd ()
- textureLoadStart ()
- texturesLoaded ()
- timeScale (Number val)
- toggleFullScreen ()
- traceSet (Object obj, String propName, Number sampleCount, Function callbackEvaluator)
- traceSetOff (Object object, String propName)
- unRegister (Object obj)
- updateProgress ()
- useManualRender (Boolean val)
- useManualTicks (Boolean val)
- viewportDepth (Boolean val)
- watchStart (* evalStringOrObject)
- watchStop (Number index)
IgeEntity CLASS
Declared in IgeEntity.js, Extends IgeObject
Creates an entity and handles the entity's life cycle and all related entity actions / methods.
- aabb (Boolean recalculate)
- anchor (Number x, Number y)
- backgroundPattern (IgeTexture texture, String repeat, Boolean trackCamera, Boolean isoTile)
- bounds2d (Number x, Number y)
- bounds3d (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- cache (Boolean val)
- cacheDirty (Boolean val)
- cacheSmoothing (Boolean val)
- cell (Number val)
- cellById (Number val)
- compositeAabb ()
- compositeCache (Boolean val)
- compositeStream ( val)
- deathTime (Number val, Function deathCallback)
- debugTransforms ()
- destroy ()
- dimensionsFromCell (Number percent)
- dimensionsFromTexture (Number percent)
- disableInterpolation ( val)
- height (Number px)
- heightByTile (Number val, Boolean lockAspect)
- hide ()
- highlight (Boolean val)
- ignoreCameraComposite ( val)
- interpolateValue (Number startValue, Number endValue, Number startTime, Number currentTime, Number endTime)
- isBehind (IgeEntity otherObject)
- isHidden ()
- isVisible ()
- isoBoundsPoly ()
- lifeSpan (Number milliseconds, Function deathCallback)
- localAabb (Boolean recalculate)
- localIsoBoundsPoly ()
- localToWorld (Array points)
- localToWorldPoint (IgePoint3d point)
- mouseDown (Function callback)
- mouseDownOff ()
- mouseEventTrigger ( val)
- mouseEventsActive (Boolean val)
- mouseInIsoBounds ()
- mouseMove (Function callback)
- mouseMoveOff ()
- mouseOut (Function callback)
- mouseOutOff ()
- mouseOver (Function callback)
- mouseOverOff ()
- mousePos (IgeViewport viewport)
- mousePosAbsolute (IgeViewport viewport)
- mousePosWorld (IgeViewport viewport)
- mouseUp (Function callback)
- mouseUpOff ()
- mouseWheel (Function callback)
- mouseWheelOff ()
- newFrame ()
- noAabb (Boolean val)
- occupyTile (Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height)
- opacity (Number val)
- origin ()
- originBy (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- originTo (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- overTiles ()
- rotate ()
- rotateBy (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- rotateTo (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- rotateToPoint (IgePoint3d point)
- saveSpecialProp (IgeEntity The)
- scale ()
- scaleBy (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- scaleTo (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- screenPosition ()
- show ()
- size3d ( x, y, z)
- streamControl (Function method)
- streamCreate (* clientId)
- streamCreateData ()
- streamDestroy (* clientId)
- streamEmitCreated ( val)
- streamFloatPrecision (Number val)
- streamForceUpdate ()
- streamMode (Number val)
- streamSectionData (String sectionId, * data, Boolean bypassTimeStream)
- streamSections (Array sectionArray)
- streamSync (Array clientId)
- streamSyncInterval (Number val, String sectionId)
- texture (IgeTexture texture)
- tick (CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx, Boolean dontTransform)
- translate ()
- translateBy (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- translateTo (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- translateToPoint (IgePoint3d point)
- translateToTile (Number x, Number y, Number z)
- unOccupyTile (Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height)
- update (CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx)
- updateTransform ()
- width (Number px)
- widthByTile (Number val, Boolean lockAspect)
- worldPosition ()
- worldRotationZ ()
IgeEntityBox2d CLASS
Declared in IgeEntityBox2d.js, Extends IgeEntity
Creates a new entity with box2d integration.
IgeEntityCannon CLASS
Declared in IgeEntityCannon.js, Extends IgeEntity
Creates a new entity with CANNON 3d physics integration.
IgeEventingClass CLASS
Declared in IgeEventingClass.js, Extends IgeClass
Creates a new class with the capability to emit events.
- emit (Object eventName, Object || Array args)
- eventList ()
- off (Boolean eventName, Object evtListener, Function callback)
- on (String || Array eventName, Function call, Object context, Boolean oneShot, Boolean sendEventName)
Declared in IgeFSM.js, Extends IgeClass
A simple finite state machine implementation.
IgeFontEntity CLASS
Declared in IgeFontEntity.js, Extends IgeUiEntity
Creates a new font entity. A font entity will use a font sheet (IgeFontSheet) or native font and render text.
IgeFontSheet CLASS
Declared in IgeFontSheet.js, Extends IgeTexture
Creates a new font sheet. A font sheet is an image that contains letters and numbers rendered to specifications. It allows you to use and render text fonts without the font actually existing on the target system that the engine is running in.
IgeInterval CLASS
Declared in IgeInterval.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
Provides an alternative to setInterval() which works based on the engine's internal time system allowing intervals to fire correctly, taking into account pausing the game and differences in rendering speed etc.
IgeMap2d CLASS
Declared in IgeMap2d.js, Extends IgeClass
Creates a new map that has two dimensions (x and y) to it's data.
- clearData ( x, y)
- collision ( x, y, width, height)
- collisionWith ( x, y, width, height, data)
- collisionWithOnly ( x, y, width, height, data)
- insertMapData (Number x, Number y, Array val)
- mapData (Array val, Integer startX, Integer startY)
- mapDataString ()
- rotateData (Array val, Number mode)
- tileData (Number x, Number y, * val)
IgeMapStack2d CLASS
Declared in IgeMapStack2d.js, Extends IgeClass
Creates a new map that has two dimensions (x and y) to it's data and allows multiple items to be stored or "stacked" on a single x, y map position.
- clearData ( x, y)
- collision ( x, y, width, height)
- mapData (Array val)
- pull (Number x, Number y, * val)
- push (Number x, Number y, * val)
- tileData (Number x, Number y, Array val)
- tileDataAtIndex (Number x, Number y, Number index)
IgeMousePanComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeMousePanComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
When added to a viewport, automatically adds mouse panning capabilities to the viewport's camera.
IgeMouseZoomComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeMouseZoomComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
When added to a viewport, automatically adds mouse zooming capabilities to the viewport's camera.
IgeObject CLASS
Declared in IgeObject.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
Creates a new object.
IgeParticleEmitter CLASS
Declared in IgeParticleEmitter.js, Extends IgeUiEntity
Creates a new particle emitter.
IgePathComponent CLASS
Declared in IgePathComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
Handles entity path traversal.
IgePathFinder CLASS
Declared in IgePathFinder.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
Creates a new path using the A* path-finding algorithm.
IgePathNode CLASS
Declared in IgePathNode.js, Extends IgePoint3d
Creates a new path node for use with the IgePathFinder class.
- init (Number x, Number y, Number g, Number moveCost, Number h, Object parent, String direction)
- mode (Number val)
IgePoint2d CLASS
Declared in IgePoint2d.js, Extends IgeClass
Creates a new 2d point (x, y).
IgePoint3d CLASS
Declared in IgePoint3d.js, Extends IgeClass
Creates a new 3d point (x, y, z).
- addPoint ( point)
- clone ()
- compare (IgePoint3d point)
- copy (IgePoint3d point)
- divide ( x, y, z)
- dividePoint (IgePoint3d point)
- floor ( val)
- interpolate ( endPoint, startTime, currentTime, endTime)
- minusPoint ( point)
- multiply ( x, y, z)
- multiplyPoint (IgePoint3d point)
- rotate (Number radians)
- thisAddPoint ( point)
- thisDivide ( x, y, z)
- thisMinusPoint ( point)
- thisMultiply ( x, y, z)
- thisRotate (Number radians)
- thisTo2d ()
- thisToIso ()
- to2d ()
- toIso ()
- toString (Number precision)
IgePoly2d CLASS
Declared in IgePoly2d.js, Extends IgeClass
Creates a new 2d polygon made up of IgePoint2d instances.
Declared in IgeRect.js, Extends IgeClass
Creates a new rectangle (x, y, width, height).
IgeScene2d CLASS
Declared in IgeScene2d.js, Extends IgeEntity
Creates a new 2d scene.
IgeSpriteSheet CLASS
Declared in IgeSpriteSheet.js, Extends IgeTexture
Creates a new sprite sheet that cuts an image up into arbitrary sections.
IgeStreamComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeStreamComponent.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
Adds stream capabilities to the network system.
IgeTexture CLASS
Declared in IgeTexture.js, Extends IgeEventingClass
Creates a new texture.
IgeTextureAtlas CLASS
Declared in IgeTextureAtlas.js, Extends IgeTextureMap
Texture maps provide a way to display textures across a tile map.
IgeTextureMap CLASS
Declared in IgeTextureMap.js, Extends IgeTileMap2d
Texture maps provide a way to display textures / cells across a tile map.
IgeTileMap2d CLASS
Declared in IgeTileMap2d.js, Extends IgeEntity
Tile maps provide a way to align mounted child objects to a tile-based grid. NOTE: These are not to be confused with IgeTextureMap's which allow you to paint a bunch of tiles to a grid.
- drawGrid (Boolean val)
- gridColor (String val)
- highlightOccupied ( val)
- hoverColor (String val)
- isTileOccupied (Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height)
- loadMap (Object map)
- mouseTilePoint ()
- mouseToTile ()
- occupyTile (Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height, * obj)
- pointToTile (IgePoint3d point)
- saveMap ()
- scanRects (Function callback)
- tileHeight (Number val)
- tileWidth (Number val)
- unOccupyTile (Number x, Number y, Number width, Number height)
IgeTiledComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeTiledComponent.js, Extends IgeClass
Loads slightly modified Tiled-format json map data into the Isogenic Engine.
IgeTimeout CLASS
Declared in IgeTimeout.js, Extends IgeInterval
Provides an alternative to setTimeout() which works based on the engine's internal time system allowing timeouts to fire correctly, taking into account pausing the game and differences in rendering speed etc.
IgeTween CLASS
Declared in IgeTween.js, Extends IgeClass
Creates a new tween instance.
IgeTweenComponent CLASS
Declared in IgeTweenComponent.js, Extends IgeClass
This component is already included in the IgeEngine (ige) instance and is not designed for use in any other way! It handles global tween processing on all tweening values.
IgeUiElement CLASS
Declared in IgeUiElement.js, Extends IgeUiEntity
Creates a new UI element. UI elements use more resources and CPU than standard IgeEntity instances but provide a rich set of extra positioning and styling methods as well as reacting to styles defined using the IgeUiManagerComponent.
IgeUiEntity CLASS
Declared in IgeUiEntity.js, Extends IgeEntity
Creates a new UI entity. UI entities use more resources and CPU than standard IgeEntity instances so only use them if an IgeEntity won't do the job.
IgeUiLabel CLASS
Declared in IgeUiLabel.js, Extends IgeUiElement
Provides a UI label entity. Basic on-screen text label.
Declared in IgeUiMenu.js, Extends IgeUiElement
Provides a UI drop-down menu entity.
IgeUiTextBox CLASS
Declared in IgeUiTextBox.js, Extends IgeUiElement
Provides a UI text entry box. When provided with focus this UI entity will capture keyboard input and display it, similar in usage to the HTML input text element.
IgeUiTooltip CLASS
Declared in IgeUiTooltip.js, Extends IgeUiElement
Provides a UI tooltip. Change properties (textBox, fonts, backgroundcolor) at free will.
- fontSheet ( fontSheet)
- height ( px, lockAspect, modifier, noUpdate)
- init ( parent, mountEntity, width, height, content)
- setContent ( val)
- width ( px, lockAspect, modifier, noUpdate)
IgeViewport CLASS
Declared in IgeViewport.js, Extends IgeEntity
Creates a new viewport.
NetIo.Class CLASS
Declared in index.js, Extends NetIo.EventingClass
Define the class system.