
Method: inAllGroups

Checks if the entity is in the specified group or array of groups. If multiple group names are passed, as an array the method will only return true if the entity is in ALL the passed groups.
inAllGroups (* groupName)
  • *groupName The name of the group or array if group names to check if this entity is a member of.
Returns Boolean

Check if entity belongs to all of the passed groups

// Add a couple of groups
var entity = new IgeEntity();
entity.addGroup(['g1', 'g2']);

// This will output "false" (entity is not part of g3)
console.log(entity.inAllGroups(['g1', 'g3']));

// This will output "true"

// This will output "true"
console.log(entity.inAllGroups(['g1', 'g2']));
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Isogenic (ī´sōjen´ik): Adj originating from a common source; possessing the same genetic composition.
Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point