
Method: depthSortMode

Gets / sets the depth sort mode that is used when depth sorting this object's children against each other. This mode only applies if this object's mount mode is isometric, as set by calling isometricMounts(true). If the mount mode is 2d, the depth sorter will use a very fast 2d depth sort that does not use 3d bounds at all.
depthSortMode (Number val)
  • Numberval The mode to use when depth sorting this object's children, given as an integer value.
Returns *

Turn off all depth sorting for this object's children


Use 3d bounds when sorting this object's children


Use 3d bounds optimised for mostly cube-shaped bounds when sorting this object's children


Use 3d bounds optimised for all cube-shaped bounds when sorting this object's children

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Isogenic (ī´sōjen´ik): Adj originating from a common source; possessing the same genetic composition.
Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point